Monday, November 29, 2004 What's almost better than a spurs win ? A defeat for our North London neighbours Arsenal ! MWwahahahahhahahhah.. TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR 2 MIDDLESBROUGH 0.WAHAHAHAH BWAHAHAH. Excuse me but i'm still typing this with a grin on my face. What a game. After 7 losses in a row we simply HAD to win this game, and luckily we did. What's the feeling like ? Like taking a long good shit after suffering 7 long matches of constipation. Undoubtely The Shitty Times and The Nude paper tomorrow will go about how lucky we were to get an extra man advantage when Quedrue(however his name is spelt) was sent off but that was his own damn fault, i mean you don't go into a challenge with both feets launched off the ground with the referee barely 5 yards away for you. His expression when the ref flashed the red card was PRICELESS. And if the referee was slightly bias towards us today, the half time ESPN commentators sure made up for that. 2 grown up talking football in suits and ties, i mean come on. I wonder if anyone even watch that stupid half time 'talk' bullshit. A 2 leg jump into the legs of the opponent was not bad enough to be considered 'malicious' by them ? Fuck you. The two of them need to be smashed repeatedly on the head with a club to understand what malicious is. I volunteer myself. Anyway we really need to get a run going starting from this game. Sometimes, supporting spurs is so hard. When you see your team losing 7 games in a row you wonder why you should even care. But then a win and then you start believing in things. Yes, we spurs fan are one of the most fickle minded fans around. But that's what we are. We aim to be the best. We don't settle for mediocrity. Audere Est Facere. To dare is to do. Saturday, November 27, 2004 Went to play soccer this morning with huat and his friends..not too bad. Managed to somehow did the trick ronaldinho did in the Nike commericial on one of the opponents..wahaha i feel so proud of myself. Was incredibly drained, tired and sleepy when i reached home that i slept quite immediately after bathing. Woke up at 6 with a freaking headache..think it's must be from spending too much time under the sun and not drinking enough water.Slow stallkeepers pisses me off. I met one today who looks like he should be resting in an old folks home or something. Action so bloody slow. Was rushing for time yet he was there taking his own sweet time, slowly finding change, put stuff in plastic bag. okay maybe he was old. but his actions were really that damn slow i wonder how he'd have managed with more than 1 customer in the queue without pissing them off. and the worst thing was he put the freaking change on the table and expected me to take it. WTF ? If i had the decency to hand my money over to your hand i'd expect the same in return. Definitely the first and last time i'll EVER enter that store again. Friday, November 26, 2004 Quite happy today! Talked with my idol Soufiane Touzani a little on msn. In case you don't know who he is(you probably won't)he's the one who inspired me to seriously train up freestyling..well not really inspired, but when i first saw his videos, i was like, WTF, didnt know so many moves possibly exist. And his ground moves are seriously the best ever lor. I didnt know those moves were possible before i saw it. Well anyway, i added him in MSN very long ago but never talked to him before. Heard from a forum that he has abit of attitude problem, so i didnt msg until today. Well, wasnt really rude or anything, his replies were short and curt. He did mention something about a new video of him releasing soon (!!!) .. can't wait to see it.Thursday, November 25, 2004 World of warcraft is almost out in Singapore !! OMG..should i or should not play? My grades are definitely gonna suffer if i play. But to not play is like..hard. Really hard. Friend in aussie already got the looks diablo2 but in a MMORPG world. Talking about diablo2, getting addicted to the game a few years back caused me severe repercussions. Must muster self control and discipline if i were to play WOW..hehe.Wednesday, November 24, 2004 Actually wanted to sleep early.. but ended up playing gb until 1 wif my guild mates..nothing to do, so post some pictures ^^![]() ![]() Tuesday, November 23, 2004 Today was spent chionging RTK 10 !! Finally I managed to beat Yuan Shao and retake my city... his reinforcements outnumbered me but luckily i destroyed his castle in time. hehe.Monday, November 22, 2004 No, you have not reached the wrong page. No, this page hasnt got hacked. No, it's not the end of the world. And no, i'm not responsible for the transformation of this page. Thanks to Trixie who helped me with....just about everything on this new layout. It's official, she's an blogPRO.And i got my new mp3 player weeeee ! but it wasn't the one we had in mind originally (the 1gb one) because there were 100 other lifeless freaks ahead of us queing by the time we reached Creative's HQ. We were planning to queue from 6 pm to the next day but the queue for it was already full when we reached there. There were carpets, mats, and some people brought enough stuff to go for a picnic. The first person on the queue was sleeping VERY comfortably on the mat he brought along. And soooo we decided to buy the 256 mb..the only one thats realistically within our budget. Then me, mani, and nut went to jurong point for dinner. after that we decided to catch a movie in cine. The highlight however, was the mrt trip from boon lay to city hall. Me and mani were playing blackjack on the MRT and i was cheating without him noticing by hiding the aces i got under my wallet. So whenever i got a king i will take out the ace and it'll be blackjack. and then i will only him return him the took him quite a while to realise what was going on. (don't ask me why) When he finally did me and nut couldnt control our laughter..almost laughed until mad on the mrt. One of the hardest i've laughed this year.. i bet the guy sitting beside me must have thought i was crazy or something. We watched 'taxi' at cine..and that was 8.50 royally of the crappiest movie i've ever seen. thanks for the recommendation mani. To make thing worse my my sore throat was really bad and i was running a flu and having a slight headache. after the movie it was already 2+am. Mani and nut stayed overnight at my house and effectively kept me awake the whole night ( i so wanted to sleep) by talking non-stop. Thanks alot assholes. |
- - . - Me Hi, i don't care what you say about me as long as you say something about me, and as long as you spell my name right. likes... dislikes... a wish list k archives August 2004 other people FUCKER MANI links behind the scene
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