Monday, August 29, 2005 牡丹江,弯了几个弯,小鱼儿,甭上船,咱们不稀罕,捞月亮,张网补星光,给爷爷下酒,喝一碗家乡,牡丹江,弯了几个弯,小暇米,甭靠岸,咱们没空装,捞月亮,张补星光,给姥姥熬汤,喝一碗家乡。 dasaf asdf asdf asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdgahahhdfshadhgadsgdashgadgdfgdahahsdgag hah Sunday, August 28, 2005 Robbo........AT FAULT FOR THE FIRST GOAL BUT COMPENSATED WELL ENOUGH.Gardner.....FUCKING SHITE! Stalteri........Average Kelly.......FUCKING SHITE! didnt go up enough and got owned by SWP badly Dawson......FUCKING LEGEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tainio......FUCKING SHITE!!! Reid.......FUCKING SHITE!!!!!!!! Carrick........FUCKING SHITE!!!!!!!!!! Davids.................Only Midfielder who played well but need to learn to stop GIVING AWAY DANGEROUS FKS AT THE EDGE OF OUR PENALTY AREA Defoe.........FUCKING SELFISH SHITE LEARN TO PASS THE BALL YOU SELFISH CUNT Mido.................FUCKING ROBBED Lennon.................PACE AND NOTHING ELSE 2/11 TURNED UP. NICE 1 I HAVENT SAID ENOUGH ABOUT GARDENER THAT FUCKING CUNT. EVERYTIME HE TOUCHES THE BALL I WILL GET NERVOUS. GAVE AWAY A BALL THAT NEARLY RESULTED IN A GOAL. WHERE THE FUCK WAS HE FOR DUFF'S GOAL. FUCK OFF TO CHARLTON YOU SCUM Tuesday, August 23, 2005 Been downloading one hell lot of past Guess 3 episodes recently, including the latest one. I think the SG one is about a month behind. Dunno wat they doing, i download to see chiobu, they give me yang guang nan hai. Only about 1 in 100 episodes they show GUYS but it's 2 times in a row now wtf. But nvm got my favourite Jacky, i think guess 3 by itself will be quite a dull show without him. And i downloaded the new Rainine Yang drama, er mo de something something...only the first episode fuck BT damn slow anyway wow shes damn kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii story not bad la and the two male leads also damn cool especially He Jun Xiang (i think).Friday, August 12, 2005's what you'll do when you get TOO bored.this conversation with this retard only the second part.. :( THE FIRST PART WAS DAMN BRILLIANTY DONE, TOO BAD WHEN I TRIED TO END IT AND IGNORE HIM, THE PRIVATE MSG WINDOW CLOSED ITSELF LOR! CCB! MAKE ME DAMN TULAN, QUITTED IRC..THEN I DECIDED IT WOULD BE TOO MUCH A WASTE LOR..AND WENT BACK FOR PART 2..FUNNY PART WAS HE STILL NEWBIELY FOLLOWED.. HE REALLY DIDNT SUSPECT A THING LOR..WAH LAO.. I am the bolded part. Those stupid chinese characters are actually 'yes' , 'you', 'ok' this kinda words, stupid fucking gay script (I came back and msged him again) [[ 02:40:22 ]] [[ 02:40:23 ]] [[ 02:40:31 ]] [[ 02:40:35 ]] [[ 02:40:43 ]] [[ 02:41:05 ]] [[ 02:41:16 ]] [[ 02:41:25 ]] [[ 02:41:25 ]] [[ 02:41:25 ]] [[ 02:41:25 ]] [[ 02:41:26 ]] [[ 02:41:26 ]] [[ 02:41:27 ]] [[ 02:41:29 ]] [[ 02:41:31 ]] [[ 02:41:41 ]] [[ 02:41:42 ]] [[ 02:41:48 ]] [[ 02:41:56 ]] [[ 02:42:05 ]] [[ 02:42:11 ]] [[ 02:42:25 ]] [[ 02:42:35 ]] [[ 02:42:41 ]] [[ 02:42:45 ]] [[ 02:42:46 ]] [[ 02:43:03 ]] [[ 02:43:54 ]] [[ 02:44:41 ]] [[ 02:44:56 ]] [[ 02:45:10 ]] [[ 02:45:20 ]] [[ 02:45:21 ]] [[ 02:45:35 ]] [[ 02:45:42 ]] [[ 02:45:47 ]] [[ 02:46:09 ]] [[ 02:46:21 ]] [[ 02:46:26 ]] [[ 02:46:32 ]] [[ 02:46:41 ]] [[ 02:46:42 ]] [[ 02:46:44 ]] [[ 02:46:49 ]] [[ 02:46:54 ]] [[ 02:46:54 ]] [[ 02:46:58 ]] [[ 02:47:03 ]] [[ 02:47:10 ]] [[ 02:47:12 ]] [[ 02:47:17 ]] [[ 02:47:18 ]] [[ 02:47:23 ]] [[ 02:47:29 ]] [[ 02:47:56 ]] [[ 02:48:05 ]] [[ 02:48:06 ]] [[ 02:48:11 ]] [[ 02:48:16 ]] [[ 02:48:21 ]] [[ 02:48:33 ]] [[ 02:48:34 ]] [[ 02:48:53 ]] [[ 02:49:01 ]] [[ 02:49:12 ]] [[ 02:49:30 ]] [[ 02:49:33 ]] [[ 02:49:42 ]] [[ 02:49:47 ]] [[ 02:49:51 ]] [[ 02:50:04 ]] [[ 02:50:16 ]] [[ 02:50:19 ]] [[ 02:50:23 ]] [[ 02:50:34 ]] [[ 02:50:40 ]] [[ 02:50:47 ]] [[ 02:50:55 ]] [[ 02:50:56 ]] [[ 02:50:59 ]] [[ 02:50:59 ]] [[ 02:51:02 ]] [[ 02:51:17 ]] [[ 02:51:30 ]] [[ 02:51:37 ]] [[ 02:51:44 ]] [[ 02:51:48 ]] [[ 02:51:50 ]] [[ 02:51:59 ]] [[ 02:52:18 ]] [[ 02:52:37 ]] [[ 02:52:37 ]] [[ 02:52:43 ]] [[ 02:53:08 ]] [[ 02:53:21 ]] [[ 02:53:22 ]] [[ 02:53:27 ]] [[ 02:53:34 ]] [[ 02:53:59 ]] [[ 02:54:01 ]] [[ 02:54:28 ]] [[ 02:54:31 ]] [[ 02:54:57 ]] [[ 02:55:02 ]] [[ 02:55:13 ]] [[ 02:55:18 ]] [[ 02:55:25 ]] [[ 02:55:26 ]] [[ 02:55:29 ]] [[ 02:55:29 ]] [[ 02:55:32 ]] [[ 02:55:37 ]] [[ 02:55:39 ]] [[ 02:55:46 ]] [[ 02:56:33 ]] [[ 02:56:48 ]] [[ 02:57:32 ]] [[ 02:58:43 ]] [[ 02:59:05 ]] [[ 02:59:49 ]] [[ 02:59:51 ]] [[ 02:59:54 ]] [[ 02:59:54 ]] [[ 03:00:02 ]] [[ 03:00:03 ]] [[ 03:00:13 ]] [[ 03:00:18 ]] [[ 03:00:20 ]] [[ 03:00:26 ]] [[ 03:00:42 ]] [[ 03:00:54 ]] [[ 03:01:17 ]] [[ 03:01:28 ]] [[ 03:01:31 ]] [[ 03:01:32 ]] [[ 03:01:38 ]] [[ 03:01:38 ]] [[ 03:01:48 ]] [[ 03:02:01 ]] [[ 03:02:05 ]] [[ 03:02:11 ]] [[ 03:02:22 ]] [[ 03:02:32 ]] [[ 03:02:32 ]] [[ 03:02:38 ]] [[ 03:02:48 ]] [[ 03:02:57 ]] [[ 03:03:00 ]] [[ 03:03:05 ]] [[ 03:03:010 ]] [[ 03:03:12 ]] [[ 03:03:18 ]] [[ 03:03:28 ]] [[ 03:03:33 ]] [[ 03:03:38 ]] [[ 03:03:45 ]] [[ 03:03:53 ]] [[ 03:03:58 ]] [[ 03:04:06 ]] [[ 03:04:31 ]] [[ 03:04:34 ]] [[ 03:04:44 ]] [[ 03:04:46 ]] [[ 03:05:02 ]] [[ 03:05:02 ]] [[ 03:05:08 ]] [[ 03:05:15 ]] [[ 03:05:20 ]] [[ 03:05:24 ]] [[ 03:05:46 ]] [[ 03:06:04 ]] [[ 03:06:14 ]] [[ 03:06:15 ]] [[ 03:06:22 ]] [[ 03:06:40 ]] [[ 03:06:45 ]] [[ 03:06:50 ]] [[ 03:07:14 ]] [[ 03:07:27 ]] [[ 03:07:29 ]] [[ 03:07:36 ]] [[ 03:07:41 ]] [[ 03:07:41 ]] [[ 03:07:43 ]] [[ 03:07:47 ]] [[ 03:07:51 ]] [[ 03:08:08 ]] [[ 03:08:16 ]] [[ 03:08:26 ]] [[ 03:08:35 ]] [[ 03:08:56 ]] [[ 03:09:03 ]] [[ 03:09:20 ]] [[ 03:09:25 ]] [[ 03:09:48 ]] [[ 03:10:14 ]] [[ 03:10:18 ]] [[ 03:10:20 ]] [[ 03:10:30 ]] [[ 03:10:34 ]] ![]() Maybe I just wanna fly Wanna live dowanna die Maybe I just wanna breathe Maybe I just don't believe Maybe your the same as me We see things they'll never see You and I are gonna live forever Gonna Live Forever Gonna Live Forever We gonna Live Forever Gonna Live Foreverrrrr Gonna Live Foreverrrrrrrr Wednesday, August 10, 2005 Neville, Nistelrooy and C.Ronaldo involved in the latest sex scandal![]() Monday, August 08, 2005 Teh Idiot's Guide To Blogging on the Internets1. Find a free blogging service, such as 2. Register a catchy yet philosophically deep name for your new blog: "lifesucks"; "All Things Me"; "Lifehacker"; "Playing With Matches"; "The Internet Slacker", "I Stalk David Hasselhoff". 3. Consider one of the many pre-made website templates offered by the blogging service, or one created by you. 4. Turn your nose up in disgust at the thought of using a pre-made template for your blog. 5. Spend the next seventeen hours creating a functioning website from scratch. If using Microsoft FrontPageTM, relocate all children and elders to a safe area out of your "profanity zone". 6. Complete your self-made blog template by clicking on the "Publish Website" command in Microsoft FrontPageTM. 7. Watch in shock as the aforementioned seventeen hours of hard work gets permanently deleted off your hard drive by Microsoft FrontPageTM. 8. Swear so loudly all dogs within a five block radius begin running in circles and howling. 9. Declare "Screw It" and choose from a pre-made template. Always choose one with lots of kittens and flashing animated gifs. 10. Make sure the template is ready for your first blog entry. You can do this by going to your new blog's URL address and seeing if the page loads properly. It will have no posts yet, of course, as you have not actually written your first blog entry. (If you do see a post written by yourself at this specific moment in time, read it! You've traveled back in time to warn yourself about the "Publish Website" command in Microsoft FrontPageTM). 11. Click on the "Create Post" selection. The window will reload with a box for you to type text in. 12. Put fingers to keyboard in preparation to type your first blog entry. 13. Realize in horror that you have absolutely no idea what you're going to write about. 14. And you've got a whole blog ahead of you. 15. Stand up and get an alcoholic beverage to calm you. 16. Pace back and forth while racking your brain for a great post. 17. Cast resentful looks at your computer monitor while drinking the alcoholic beverage. 18. Come up with a touching yet funny childhood memory you can write about, like when you and all the other fat kids in the neighborhood used to take down the ice cream man not unlike a pack of lions ravaging a wounded gazelle. 19. Or, make your first post about how much you love pets. Remark on the fact that you let your pet pit bull out of the house every night to get some freedom and exercise even though the sirens from the ambulances tearing through your neighborhood constantly interrupt your sleep. 20. Or, make a heartfelt confession about how guilty you feel that you could never be a vegetarian because you salivate every time a nature documentary appears on the television. 21. Sit back down at your computer desk with your great idea. 22. Complete your first post. 23. Experience a fleeting sense of satisfaction that you now have a blog with an actual entry, even though it details your sexual attraction to Yoda. 24. Immediately phone all your friends and family to tell them the URL. Remind your grandmother that 'stiffwoodysdiary' in your blog's address is spelled "all one word". 25. Reload your blog incessantly every two minutes to see if anyone has made a comment. 26. Become enraged when the very first comment made on your very first blog entry is "yuo are teh sUxx0r!" from Anonymous 27. Go outdoors to calm down and get some fresh air, since you've spent twenty-two hours now working on your blog. 28. Tell every person you encounter - jogger, police officer, frantic paramedic - your blog's URL. 29. Head back home when an idea for a blog entry comes to mind, such as the rudeness of paramedics who can't be bothered to talk about your blog because they are busy helping some whiner with pitbull bite wounds on his throat. 30. When back at your computer, immediately refresh your blog's page to see if any more comments were made while you were gone. 31. Grip the edge of your computer desk when the second comment reads "I said yuo are teh sUxx0r!" by Anonymous 32. Click on the "make new post" button on your blog. 33. Realize with horror you've totally forgotten the good writing idea. 34. Stand up and get another drink. 35. Sit back down at your computer desk. 36. Write your second post: how people who make dumb comments on blogs should be strung up by their genitals with barbed wire. 37. Complete the second post. 38. Stand up and get a third drink to calm you down from the blogging experience. 39. Watch TV while thinking you shouldn't watch so much television since experiencing life would probably make for a blog that's actually interesting to read. By going out more, you'll be able to continue to spread the address of your blog to bemused strangers, too. 40. Accept phone call from your grandmother asking you to change 'stiffwoody' in your blog's name to something more polite. 41. Refuse and hang up phone. 42. On the way back to the television, refresh your blog's page again to see if there are any more comments. 43. Experience relief when third comment is a non-abusive one. Become incredibly depressed when you discover it is written by a fellow blogger asking if you ever fantasize about wearing lederhosen while flailing midgets with kielbasa sausage, and if you'd like to meet up with him for same. 44. Stand up and get a much larger, stronger drink. 45. Consider making your third post. Repeat verbal declaration made in step #9, forget blogging for now, go to bed. 46. Just before you fall asleep, realize with horror you'll need to repeat steps #11 to #45 daily to keep your bragging rights about owning a blog (which, ironically, nobody reads). 47. Slip into an uneasy nightmare about being forced to type the word "sUxx0r" on a flaming keyboard while chained to Jabba the Hutt, who keeps demanding "More! More! Jakatooie Blogga Dooie! More!!!" 48. Wake up in the morning. Scream. 49. Read the new comments posted on your blog. Scream again. 50. Repeat for the rest of your life. 51. Welcome To Blogging! A long read, but worth it. Saturday, August 06, 2005 Let's all laugh together at Wet Spam now okay ?Thursday, August 04, 2005 OKCOUNTER sucks a disgusting amount of donkey balls, first to sign up you will be FORCED to do a bloody SURVEY, ok nevermind, if you're as smart as me to think you can get by selecting NO to each of their 'PICK TEH FREE GIFTS U WAN LOLOL", guess what at the end of every page(there are about 3 of them) a nice nifty box will pop up kindly informing j00 that you have to select "YES" to at least 1 of the options, and everytime you do that another pop up box will come up..and you thought that was the end of the bullshit ? Well after finally getting through the bloody survey, you see the folks over at OKCOUNTER are kind enough to allow you to edit your options, but everytime you do that you have to separately 1) enter your email address, 2) enter your password and that is just mindblowingly ASDFGHJKL, ok so finally you get to choose your counter design, but hay when i try to edit to another design, it just throws a BIG FAT FUCK YOU LOL at me (the design for some reason will not change, a common problem hor, not me trying to pick bones in eggs) but thankfully for all my INTILLENGECE i managed to SKILFUYYLY change the digits in the weakass code they gave me, omg r i l33t and i tried and they gave me another 1, this winnie the poo, which is alot better than the first one i chose and hay i liked it alot when i was younger, my cousin had a real huge 1 which i used to hug and play wrestling with everytime i went over, well ok it doesnt matter if the above sounds incoherent, just trying to stay awake and watch the fooking Geordies get owned by Depor later, WHOS TEH BIGGER CLU BNOW~!@@@~!!!!!!oNE and I AM CONTEMPLATING CHANGING MY NAME TO DAWSON NOW SO YUO GUYS CAN CALL ME THAT AND I WILL RESPOND |
- - . - Me Hi, i don't care what you say about me as long as you say something about me, and as long as you spell my name right. likes... dislikes... a wish list k archives August 2004 other people FUCKER MANI links behind the scene
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