Sunday, November 26, 2006

Hi to round out the weekend i shall bore you all with an everyday's account of my camp life. Since so many people are asking why i so free or im always online or what.

0710 : Get woke up everyday by one fucking stupid cutting grass noise. Now that i think of it i have no exact idea what sound is that but it's exactly like those grass cutter kind of sound. i swear you dont need an alarm clock if your living in my unit. The bloody sound NEVER fails to wake me up every morning.

0730 : Don't be silly, like i was really gonna wake up at 0710. I'll go back to sleep and at somewhere between 0730 and 0740 wake up, brush teeth, change to fuck 4 and go downstairs.

0745 : Morning reville..WHAT reville ? Just go straight to my office and daze there until i've fully wake up.

0800 - 0900 : If there's really something to be completed that day i usually finish it during this period of time. But most of the time there is nothing so i either 1) read story book, 2) read magazine, 3) read straits time. If the computer is not occupied i will go surf on forums and play risk.

0900 - 0930 : The 'official' break time. But i dont go by rules so my break time is usually starts alot earlier and ends later. Go E-Mart talk cock with the uncle and read his magazines. Go tapao and go bunk eat while watching channelnewsasia.

1000 - 1200 : 1200 is our official lunch time but more often than not im already asleep by then. Oops. Cant help it, my personal timeclock has a habit of malfunctioning in NS. If by 1045 there's not much to be done and the situation looks safe, me and another guy will go up bunk and sleep. but of course must tactical. cannot do this often.

1345 : Report back to my dreams. I would be either still asleep or just waking up. Make that 1430.

1430 - 1500 : S.T.I.L.L H.A.L.F A.S.L.E.E.P

1500 - 1630 : Go store tuang, re read straits time, magazines, I-Magazine, 8days, Teens, Maxim, read every single article in the newspaper...

1630 - 1730 : Go canteen buy drink or go messing warrant office tuang and use his comp to surf net. Or just sit in his chair and sleep hehe.

1730 : bookout bye.

Now dont get mistaken after reading that life in my unit is REALLY a bed of roses in my unit. True it may be better off than most other vocations but there's still the untold side of the story to each side. Like mine, where else could you find so many 'zhuge liangs' forever plotting against each other? Backstabbing is such a normal occurence that i'm not even surprised by it anymore. Each day i hear 'XXX just now tell XXX something..." until sian. I don't belong there. I'm not someone who has my wits around me ALL the time and has the tenacity to watch my back the whole fucking day. Sometimes i must force myself to muster the extra effort to think twice or thrice after something someone has told me, is this cunt im lookiing at right now trying to backstab me ? How should i answer back ?And think of all the possible consequences. I'm not cut out for this stuffs. You have the usual fuckups, the amateur goody two shoes whom you can see through like an invisible mirror but pretend to be oblivious of their doings. Fucktards who can backstab you before lunch and have dinner with you on the same table later.

Is the adult world, the coporate world gonna be like this ? My heart wishes no but my head says yes. In fact i'd be surprise if it isn't much worse. The stakes are higher, not maybe for a few off's or what but your ricebowl. That's why i find it hard to see myself ever slogging it off as a 8-5 in the CBD or whatever area.

The good part is that i'm slowly accepting this as a inevitable part of society. Talk about learning it late, huh ? Unfortunately society is always gonna be about people using one another to climb ladders. Maybe to survive, i'll even consider joining them. Just because i dont like being a backstabbing cunt doesnt mean i'm not good at it. I'm learning the art of subtleties and accustoming myself to think like them. I swear to god those 2 cunts in my unit are gonna get one big time from me before they ORD.

[ kyrre ] | 9:22 PM | Comment(s)

Friday, November 24, 2006

gabriel says:
ponytails and specs turn me on

well you learn something new everyday. i also discover he likes people calling him 'xiaodi'.

[ kyrre ] | 10:02 AM | Comment(s)

Thursday, November 23, 2006

秋 - silly hats only says:

gabriel says:

gabriel says:
jia gei w

cant believe gabeyyy is openly proposing marriage to this *** whoever she is. must have been inspired after listening to the david tao and jolin duet i sent him. Well i sure am happy to fulfill another happy couple. Sincerely wish them "bai tou xie lao, zi sun man tang."

[ kyrre ] | 9:51 PM | Comment(s)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

The best darn soccer compilation i've ever seen. Fucking class.

Check out the 4 min part where the commentator said "glory glory tottenham hotspur"

when was the last time you ever hear a commentator say like this about any team ?

[ kyrre ] | 8:52 PM | Comment(s)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

COYS !!!

Won the league 4 points ahead of Arsenal.

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Won the League Cup as well, beating manure 2-0 in the final. surprised even me.

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But undoubtely my favourite win so far...against the mighty BARCELONA at home..

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Berbatov not scoring as much as he used to in the first season. Still, Sherman Cardenas.

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[ kyrre ] | 10:09 PM | Comment(s)

Monday, November 06, 2006

After 16 years..we've finally beaten chelski in the league..

All the players who played in this match will never be forgotten..special mention goes to Michael Dawson, whom i totally love in a non-gay way..

and of coz Boolarooz who is obviously a yiddo at heart..way to go...

AND __|__ YOU JOHN TERRY! dont fuken mess about with our KING.

[ kyrre ] | 10:06 PM | Comment(s)


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